Head Monkey Bio Page

The jungle tourist heads deeper and deeper into the thicket of palm fronds, wondering if this tip was nothing but a wild goose chase, when suddenly a small clearing opens up. In the middle of the clearing is a grizzled old monkey, sitting in a hot tub. He looks like the poster child for the motto, "it's not the years, it's the miles". He is obviously absorbed in his cell phone, oblivious to the world. The jungle tourist decides to interrupt his reverie.

Jungle Tourist (J.T.): "Excuse me sir . . . may I interrupt you for a moment?" The Head Monkey (H.M.) is jolted into the present, and his eyes dart to J.T.'s eyes with a decided look of annoyance. You begin to wonder if this was such a good idea, then his eyes soften.

H.M.: "Yes, fellow traveler . . . what is it?"

J.T.: "I was directed to you by a troupe of monkeys in yonder clearing. They said you were the head monkey, that you call the shots. Is that true?" H.M. seems amused by your question.

H.M.: I control nothing. I finally understand that. A larger monkey than me runs the show, but good luck finding HIM."

Although a bit perplexed by this answer, J.T. plods forward with the next question.

J.T.: "Can you tell me a little something about yourself?"

H.M. draws a heavy sigh, then pauses to contemplate the question. After a moment, he responds.

H.M.: "I am not one to worship the 'wall of fame', such as it is. Leave the medals and trophies to the Me-Me-Me types. Humph!" After a dismissive grunt, H.M. settles back into a state of repose.

J.T.: "Surely, sir, there must be a few interesting stories you have gathered along the way?" This question seems to take H.M. aback a bit, and he becomes pensive. Finally, a slow smile begins to turn up the corner of his mouth

H.M.: "So you want an interesting story, eh? Well I have seen a few things in my travels." H.M. then straights up, and turns to face J.T. . "We all have to deal with the unrelentingly ponderous nature of life, but sometimes the occasional adventure, misguided or otherwise, can give one something to ease the pain of life's seeming banality." After taking another moment or two to collect his thoughts, he continues: "Ok, here are a few of my adventures:"

H.M. pauses and smiles to himself as he ponders the years gone by. Then, with an impish grin, he adds: "I could tell you more of my experiences, but due to their ribald nature, you may need a permission slip from your mother." With a chuckle, he returned to his thoughts, and I . . . well, I was ready to see what other interesting characters I could find in this crazy place . . .